Partner with Us!
The South Carolina Beekeepers Association is a non-profit 501c3 organization, dedicated to education and advocacy to ensure that South Carolina Beekeepers have the information and tools they need to meet the challenges of modern beekeeping.
Funds received are used to assist beekeepers during disasters, provide grants for research and youth education, and support state-wide conferences that provide vital education and research development to South Carolina Beekeepers.
Disaster Relief
Donations will be used in coordination with the Clemson Apiculture & Pollinator Program to support South Carolina Beekeepers during times of need.
License Plate Sponsorship
A specialty “Save the Bees” license plate has been approved for production. The estimated cost for this project is $7500 for production and launch.
Research Grants
Each year SCBA considers and awards grants to individuals working to develop new products and management techniques to better serve SC Beekeepers.
Youth Education Grants
Each year SCBA considers and awards grants to provide beekeeping instruction and mentoring to our state’s youth.
Conference Sponsorships
Two state-wide educational conferences are provided each year. Sponsors help offset the cost to provide these opportunities while keeping the cost reasonable for SC Beekeepers.