A Sweeter Future For South Carolina Beekeepers info@scstatebeekeepers.com
Presented by Chester County Beekeepers Association
The CCBA 2018 Introduction to Beekeeping will be Saturday, November 17th from 9AM to 3PM at the Market Building, 116 Columbia Street, Chester. Coffee, snacks, and lunch will be provided.
The cost of the class is $25.00 per person, $45.00 per couple. Make checks payable to CCBA and send payment along with application to CCBA c/o Alyson Wissinger, 754 Old Mill Road, Richburg, SC 29729. The cost includes printed materials.
This is an introductory class to provide those interested in honeybees and beekeeping an opportunity to learn what is needed to get an apiary up and running. We will discuss the life cycle and castes of bees in a colony, equipment and costs, seasonal management and keeping hives healthy and productive.
If you have any questions about the Introduction to Beekeeping class or Chester County Beekeepers Association, please contact Alyson Wissinger at 803-517-4611 orchestercountybeekeepers@gmail.com.