A Sweeter Future For South Carolina Beekeepers info@scstatebeekeepers.com
Certified Beginner’s Beekeeping Course in Camden, SC 29020. This course will be offered at an outdoor location with proper social distancing.
The course is a series of classes, to prepare you to be a Certified SC Beekeeper, on the following dates; February 20, and March 6, 13, 20, and the 27th.
Time: Approximately 11:00-2:00
The fee will include a recommended beginner book, a membership with the WBA.
What will I learn?
IF you wish to take the Certified Examination at the end of the course, it is an additional $10 paid to the South Carolina Beekeepers Association, at the time of the test, and you must be a member of the SCBA (which is another $10 fee).The test is NOT required to keep bees in SC.
There will be no food or drink included in the class. You are encouraged to bring your lunch, and drinks. It is suggested that everyone bring notetaking materials.