A Sweeter Future For South Carolina Beekeepers info@scstatebeekeepers.com
The WBA continues to meet the first Thursday of every month at 6:30 PM, except July, when it meets the second Thursday of the month.
Meets the second Monday of the Month Come at 6:45 to "talk bees" and socialize with our beekeepers!
2nd Thursday of each month except May (annual picnic) and Dec (annual Christmas party) Come early at 6:30pm for meet and greet – Meeting starts at 7:00pm
Meets on the Third Tuesday except for: June: Field Trip to be Announced July: No Meeting August: No Meeting
Meetings are every third Thursday. We begin at 7:00 P.M. with a meal included.
Due to varying meeting locations and dates, please visit LexingtonCountyBeekeepers.com for the most up-to-date meeting information.