SCBA 2023 Spring Conference
Show Me the HONEY!
February 24-25, 2023 – Florence, SC
Presented By:
Keynote Speakers | Honey Show | Conference Workshops | Vendor Directory | Registration Information | Venue Location | Hotel | Schedule
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Our conference will focus on HONEY!
~ a well-loved product of the hive ~
and feature a Honey Show.
Learn how to:
Manage Your Colonies for Honey Production
Recognize/Manage Diseases & Pests to Minimize Honey Production Losses
Market Your Honey/Enhance Community Engagement
[/vc_column_text][vc_separator color=”sandy_brown”][vc_custom_heading text=”Keynote Speakers” font_container=”tag:h1|text_align:left|color:%23cc7300″ use_theme_fonts=”yes” el_id=”keynote-speakers”][vc_column_text]
Bob Binnie 
Bob Binnie, along with his wife Suzette, owns Blue Ridge Honey Co. in Lakemont, Georgia, operating 2000 colonies along with a sizable honey packing operation. Voted “Beekeeper Of The Year” by the Georgia Beekeepers Association in 2003 Bob has been involved in commercial beekeeping for nearly four decades. Blue Ridge Honey Co. offers wholesale & retail honey, pollen, and beeswax products, as well as produces bees and queens for sale. Their current facility is inspected and approved through a third party Food Safety and Quality Audit conducted by NSF Cook & Thurber as is required by many large grocery stores and is also licensed by the Georgia Department of Agriculture and inspected by the Commodities Inspection Division of the Georgia Dept. of Agriculture. Bob has become quite the youtube phenomenon with his common sense approach to sharing his beekeeping experience.
Contact his store at 706 782 6722 or Bob at bobbinnie19@gmail.com. Also check out his website at www.blueridgehoneycompany.com https://www.youtube.com/@bobbinnie9872/videos
Steven Coy 
Steven Coy is a second-generation commercial beekeeper where he learned how to manage bees in the soybean and cotton fields of Northeast Arkansas and Southeast Missouri. In 2007 he moved to the Mississippi Gulf Coast to help his family manage a 12,000 hives multi state honey production operation. In 2014 he started Coy Bee Company, LLC so that he could focus on producing Russian queens and nucs.
He is a charter member of the Russian Honeybee Breeders Association and has been breeding Russian bees since 2001.
He currently serves as the Vice-president of the American Honey Producers Association and has served on the Executive Board since 2010.
He earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Plant Science and a Master’s Degree in Biology from Arkansas State University. In addition to his work as a beekeeper, he worked as a Research Assistant at Arkansas State University then as a Research Technician at the USDA Biological Control Research Unit in Stoneville, MS.
Email: stevencoy@ahpanet.com
C. Marina Marchese
C. Marina Marchese is the international best selling author of The Honey Connoisseur: Selecting, Tasting and Pairing Honey with a Guide to More than 30 Varietals, Honey for Dummies and her personal journey into beekeeping Honeybee: Lessons from an Accidental Beekeeper. Marina was invited by the Turkish Economic Development to write her personal memoir, Never Ending Creativity to inspire underserved youth.
She is the first U.S. citizen to be accepted into the Italian National Register of Experts in the Sensory Analysis of Honey and the founder of the American Honey Tasting Society, an educational organization that teaches the Italian method of sensory analysis to taste and evaluate honey.
A graduate of The School of Visual Arts in NYC, Marina creates visual tasting notes and botanical art for honey.
Jason Wilson says in the The Washington Post —
“Which is to say Marchese’s palate is so finely tuned that she can literally taste the beekeeper’s fear in a smear of honey.”
“Marchese has given us a lovely gift. Honeybee is an entertaining and useful primer for the novice and honeybee devotee alike.” — Washington Times
Website: https://www.honeysommelier.com/
https://www.americanhoneytastingsociety.com/[/vc_column_text][vc_separator color=”sandy_brown”][vc_custom_heading text=”Honey Show Information” font_container=”tag:h1|text_align:left|color:%23cc7300″ use_theme_fonts=”yes” el_id=”honey-show”][vc_column_text]Enter your HONEY and Bees wax products in our state-wide Honey Show!
View Show Categories and Entry Information by clicking HERE.
View Show Entry Form by clicking HERE.
Every Exhibitor is eligible to compete for a $100 Grand Prize Award!
SCBA Membership and Conference attendance required.[/vc_column_text][vc_separator color=”sandy_brown”][vc_custom_heading text=”Honey Swap: “Show Me YOUR Honey!“” font_container=”tag:h1|text_align:left|color:%23cc7300″ use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text]Each person who desires to participate in the Swap may bring up to 3 – 1 lb jars of labeled honey.
Honey must be produced and labeled by the one making the submission.
Jars may be submitted on Friday, Feb 24 from 8:00-10:00 am and 2:30-2:45 pm, and again on Saturday, Feb 25 from 7:30-8:00 am.
For each 1 lb jar submitted, the person will receive 1 ticket.
On Saturday from 2-4pm and 5-5:30pm, those submitting honey may SWAP: exchange ticket(s) for a 1-lb jar of honey from the jars that have been submitted. First Come, First Served in line by the Swap Booth Volunteers. Any unclaimed honey will be considered a donation.[/vc_column_text][vc_separator color=”sandy_brown”][vc_custom_heading text=”Conference Information” font_container=”tag:h1|text_align:left|color:%23cc7300″ use_theme_fonts=”yes” el_id=”conference-workshops”][vc_column_text]
Dynamic Speakers
Your choice of Break-out Sessions
Honey Show
Honey Swap
Vendor Fair
Engaging Workshop Opportunities:
Introduction to Beekeeping – Saturday 2/25, 8:30-11am, Main Hall
This workshop will introduce attendees to beekeeping. It is recommended for those thinking of starting beekeeping, beginning beekeepers, and those who are just fascinated by bees! We will explore the workings of the hive, seasonal tasks, biology, honey harvesting, diseases and pests, as well as what equipment is needed to start. This course is not intended to replace a full beginner beekeeping course, but is intended to help one determine whether or not to pursue beekeeping.
This workshop is included with full conference registration using the buttons under the “Registration Information” Section, but it is also offered to the general public and may be attended by purchasing a stand-alone registration by clicking the button here.
Online Registration is now CLOSED. Walk-in Registrations Welcome.
[/vc_column_text][vc_btn title=”Click to Register for this workshop ONLY” color=”info”][vc_column_text]
Tours: See How It’s Done in the Pee Dee – Saturday 2/25, 8-11:30am
This workshop will begin in the Main Hall where you will be divided into groups and car pools to spend the morning learning from experts in a Field Tour of the Pee Dee Research and Education Center:
On Saturday morning (Feb. 25th) Clemson’s Pee Dee Research and Education Center opens its gates to beekeepers attending the SCBA Spring Conference. The Pee Dee Research & Education Center (REC) is a 2,300 acre tract of land situated in Florence and Darlington counties. The Center is home to top-quality research in areas that are of particular importance to South Carolina farms and forests. It is an integral part of Clemson University’s Public Service activities including agricultural and forest research and the Cooperative Extension Service with twelve resident faculty and fifty support personnel. Conference participants will explore the property on this guided tour and learn about the wide array of work that is being done on the property from the researchers doing the work.
Tour highlights include:
- Demonstration Apiary (Factors to consider when setting up an apiary)
- Pollinator Habitat Test Plots (Installing and maintaining pollinator meadows and other bee forages)
- Blueberry Test Plots (Selecting varieties and proper installation of blueberries)
- Cover Crops (Benefiting crop production and pollinators)
- Canola test plots (Canola, an emerging nectar crop for honey bees in SC)
- Managed forests (Enhancing wildlife and pollinator habitat through proper forest management)
- Apiculture workshop (Equipment for extracting clean, pure honey)
State Farmers Market and McLeod Farms: Tours will come together at the State Farmers Market where the market coordinator and the sales director for McLeod Farms will talk about how to engage clients and market goods at local markets.
Honey Sensory Analysis Workshop with Marina Marchese
This workshop is an introduction to the methods of sensory analysis used to taste and evaluate honey as developed by the Italian National Register of Experts in the Sensory Analysis of Honey. Attendees will be guided through a series of olfactory and gustatory exercises to sharpen the senses, then learn how to describe and write detailed tasting notes for 5 curated honey samples using a honey wheel.
A honey kit with all the materials required to participate will be provided with this registration. Attendees will be asked not to eat, drink, smoke, brush teeth or use scented personal care products one hour before this workshop. No food or drinks will be permitted in the classroom.
This workshop is limited to 25 attendees and requires an additional $25 fee for workshop materials to be paid separately. Your selection of this workshop on your registration will place your name on a list for the workshop based on your registration date/time stamp. A separate email form will be sent to you to complete your payment for the workshop pending seat availability. We anticipate adding a second workshop as demand warrants to accommodate a total of 50 attendees. Online registration only for this workshop.
[/vc_column_text][vc_separator color=”sandy_brown”][vc_custom_heading text=”Conference Schedule” font_container=”tag:h1|text_align:left|color:%23cc7300″ use_theme_fonts=”yes” el_id=”conference-schedule”][vc_column_text]
CLICK HERE for the Updated Program Schedule
[/vc_column_text][vc_separator color=”sandy_brown”][vc_separator color=”sandy_brown”][vc_custom_heading text=”Door Prize and Goody Bag Contributors” font_container=”tag:h1|text_align:left|color:%23cc7300″ use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text]American Bee Journal, B2 Beekeeping, Bailey Bee Supply, Bee Club Sales, Bee Culture, Beelite Inc, Betterbee, Buzz Beekeeping Supplies, Charleston Community Bee Gardens, Clemson University Apiary Inspection Program, Dadant, Johnson Bees and Supplies LLC, Keowee Bee LLC, Lappe’s Bee Supply, Life Line Bees LLC, Mann Lake, Midnight Bee Supply, Miller Mfg, Pigeon Mountain Trading Company, Rossman Apiaries, SC Farm Bureau, SC Specialty Crop Growers Association, Solutionbee LLC, Veritiv Containers, Western Bee Supply[/vc_column_text][vc_separator color=”sandy_brown”][vc_custom_heading text=”Conference Vendor Directory” font_container=”tag:h1|text_align:left|color:%23cc7300″ use_theme_fonts=”yes” el_id=”vendor-directory”][vc_column_text]The following Vendors have committed to attend our 2023 Spring Conference:
B2 Beekeeping
Bailey Bee Supply LLC
Bee Club Sales
Bee Trail Farm Nucs & Queens
Beelite Inc
Buzz Beekeeping Supplies
Charleston Community Bee Gardens
Johnson’s Bees and Supplies
Life Line Bees LLC
Mann Lake
Midnight Bee Supply
Miller Mfg
Pigeon Mountain Trading Company
Revolutionary Hives
Rossman Apiaries
SC Farm Bureau Federation
SC Specialty Crop Growers Association
Solutionbee LLC
Veritiv Containers[/vc_column_text][vc_separator color=”sandy_brown”][vc_custom_heading text=”Registration Information” font_container=”tag:h1|text_align:left|color:%23cc7300″ use_theme_fonts=”yes” el_id=”registration-info”][vc_column_text]
SCBA Member Rate
TWO full days of conference programming including morning refreshments and Friday evening reception. Lunch is not provided.
$75 – before February 1, 2023
$85 – after January 31, 2023
Online Registration is now CLOSED. Walk-in Registrations Welcome.[/vc_column_text][vc_btn title=”Click for Member Registration” color=”info”][vc_column_text]
Member Add Ons:
Master Beekeeper Program Testing

Optional Testing Registration Includes Your selected MBP Level Test:
Certified Level Written – $10
Journeyman Level Written/Practical – $35
- Must submit 5 Public Service Credits and 2 Minor Credits PRIOR to testing*
- Must submit beekeeping portfolio with original credit documentation on day of testing
Note: Master Level Testing will not be offered until summer, but the MBP Admin Team encourages candidates to bring their portfolios for review.
*All credits should be submitted electronically PRIOR to testing.
Send Credits/Questions to MBP@scstatebeekeepers.com
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Youth Rate
TWO full days of conference programming including morning refreshments and Friday evening reception. Lunch is not provided.
$50 – online or at the door for Youth ages 12-17
Online Registration is now CLOSED. Walk-in Registrations Welcome.[/vc_column_text][vc_btn title=”Click for Youth Registration” color=”info”][vc_separator color=”sandy_brown”][vc_column_text]
Non-SCBA Member Rate
TWO full days of conference programming including morning refreshments and Friday evening reception. Lunch is not provided.
$85 – online or at the door
Online Registration is now CLOSED. Walk-in Registrations Welcome.[/vc_column_text][vc_btn title=”Click for Non-Member Registration” color=”info”][vc_separator color=”sandy_brown”][vc_custom_heading text=”Venue” font_container=”tag:h1|text_align:left|color:%23cc7300″ use_theme_fonts=”yes” el_id=”venue-location”][vc_column_text]

Florence-Darlington Technical College
1951 Pisgah Rd
Florence, SC 29501
Venue Layout

Venue is conveniently located to restaurants. Lunch is not provided.[/vc_column_text][vc_separator color=”sandy_brown”][vc_custom_heading text=”Hotel Information” font_container=”tag:h1|text_align:left|color:%23cc7300″ use_theme_fonts=”yes” el_id=”hotel-info”][vc_column_text]The SC Beekeepers Association has secured a limited number of discounted room rates with the hotels listed below for the 2023 SCBA Spring Conference being held in Florence, SC February 24-25, 2023. Select your hotel from the list below and secure your reservations by clicking the booking link or calling in. Make reservations early because rooms are based upon availability and they will go fast.
Participating Hotels – Discounted Rates Good through February 1, 2023:
Hampton Inn & Suites Florence Center 
3000 West Radio Dr, Florence, SC 29501
Includes Free Parking, WiFi, Breakfast. Use the link below for more information & registration with discounted rate:
SC Bee Keepers Association Hampton Inn (hilton.com)
Hilton Garden Inn – Florence
2671 Hospitality Blvd, Florence, SC 29501
Includes Free Parking, WiFi. Meals may be purchased at the on-site restaurant.
Click the link below for more information & registration with discounted rates:
www.my-event.hilton.com/flofggi-scba-8bf59948-8219-4522-a807-12bc98f6a8ab/[/vc_column_text][vc_separator color=”sandy_brown”][vc_custom_heading text=”Thinking About Becoming a Conference Sponsor?” font_container=”tag:h1|text_align:left|color:%23cc7300″ use_theme_fonts=”yes” el_id=”sponsor-event”][vc_column_text]
SCBA depends on our conference sponsors to off-set the cost of our conferences for our members. We have several levels of sponsorship to meet most every budget and would love to have you join us in helping to provide quality education and programming for the beekeepers of South Carolina.
As a Sponsor, you will enjoy national advertising through our website and social media platforms as well as conference program and signage advertising. If you choose to also be a vendor at our conference – selected separately on this registration, your vendor placement will be prioritized based on your level of sponsorship. Sponsors with generous contributions will be provided top conference vendor placement.
Online Registration is now CLOSED.[/vc_column_text][vc_btn title=”View Sponsorship Levels” color=”info” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fscstatebeekeepers.com%2Fsponsorship-2023%2F”][vc_btn title=”Sponsor Registration” shape=”square” color=”peacoc”][vc_separator color=”sandy_brown”][vc_custom_heading text=”Thinking About Becoming a Vendor?” font_container=”tag:h1|text_align:left|color:%23cc7300″ use_theme_fonts=”yes” el_id=”be-a-vendor”][vc_column_text]
SCBA welcomes vendors to showcase their products and provide a one-stop shopping experience for our attendees.
Vendors may choose between 2 options based on space desired.
Tier 1 includes:
- 2 – approximately 8’x10’ booths with 2 – 6’ tables (Additional tables may be added for $25 each)
- Conference Badges for up to 2 people with full access to conference program
- Business Listed in Conference Vendor Directory
Tier 2 includes:
- 1 – approximately 8’x10’ booth with 1 – 6’ table (Additional tables may be added for $25 each)
- Conference Badge for one person with full access to conference program (Additional badge may be purchased for $50)
- Business Listed in Conference Vendor Directory
Vendor placement will be prioritized based on Sponsorship, Tier 1, Tier 2.
Online Registration is now CLOSED.
[/vc_column_text][vc_btn title=”Vendor Registration” shape=”square” color=”peacoc”][vc_separator color=”sandy_brown”][vc_custom_heading text=”Conference Questions? Contact Us!” font_container=”tag:h1|text_align:left|color:%23cc7300″ use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_empty_space height=”15px”][vc_column_text]