SCBA 2024 Summer Conference: July 18-20
~ An Indepth Look at Honey Bee Diseases & Pests ~
Trident Technical College
7000 Rivers Avenue, North Charleston, SC 29406 Building 920 / Link: TTC Campus Map
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Headlining Sponsor:
Keynote Speakers | Honey Show | Vendor Directory | Registration Information | Venue Location | Hotel | Schedule
Honey bee Diseases & Pests will be a central focus featuring sessions on
~ assessing and controlling Varroa Mites
~ managing and trapping Small Hive Beetles
~ recognizing the presence of Disease
as well as sessions that focus on factors that affect the health of the colony and overall colony management.

Keynote Speakers
Lewis Bartlett
University of Georgia: Assistant Professor
Joint appointment: Dept. of Entomology, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Graduate Program Faculty
DR. LEWIS BARTLETT is a professor of honey bee health at the University of Georgia. He has been beekeeping for over 12 years since he started his training in Yorkshire, England, where he was born. He specialises in the biology of parasites and infectious diseases and the health of honey bees. Lewis has trained in York, Cambridge, Exeter, and Falmouth in the UK and in San Francisco, California, Athens & Atlanta in GA while in America. His work started in understanding what drives outbreaks of honeybee diseases and has grown to cover everything from nutrition to pesticides in determining the health of honey bees.
Cameron Jack
University of Florida: Entomology and Nematology Department
Assistant Professor Honey Bee Toxicology
Cameron has been interested in beekeeping since his youth and now teaches several courses related to honey bees and apiculture at the University of Florida. His goal is to create an educational program that prepares students for the many challenges associated with beekeeping and to train those interested in entering the beekeeping workforce.

Sponsored By:

David Peck
Director of Research and Education, Betterbee
Dr. Peck is the Director of Research and Education at Betterbee in Greenwich, NY, where he assists in product development and research, and also teaches classes and develops scientifically-sound educational materials. His doctoral work in Cornell University’s Department of Neurobiology and Behavior was supervised by Professor Tom Seeley. His dissertation research focused on the transmission of mites between bee colonies, as well as the mite-resistance traits of the untreated honey bees living in Cornell’s Arnot Forest.
After earning his degree, he has continued to research varroa/bee interactions, including fieldwork in Newfoundland, Canada (where varroa still have not arrived) and Anosy Madagascar (where varroa arrived only in 2010 or 2011). He has served as a teaching postdoctoral fellow in Cornell’s Department of Entomology, and is still affiliated with Cornell through the Honey Bee Health program in the College of Veterinary Medicine. Dr. Peck has kept bees for more than a decade, though his home apiary is often full of mite-riddled research colonies so he doesn’t usually produce much honey.
BreakOut Session Speakers
CLICK HERE to View BreakOut Session Speakers
Conference Information
Many beekeepers struggle to learn the importance of disease and pest management. There are so many things to look out for that it becomes overwhelming. Our goal this summer is to help break things down so that the new beekeeper can understand the importance of managing diseases and pests as well as challenge the experienced beekeeper to become more skilled in diagnosing and treating an ailing colony. Breakout sessions will be offered each afternoon. Thursday will feature our Master Beekeeper Program Review sessions and testing, ending the day with the Bee Bowl – an academic competition between clubs to see which 2 teams will represent SC in the championship against NC at the 2025 Spring Conference. We encourage you to wear your MBP Level hat or shirt on Thursday. If you don’t have one, you have time to order one from our store. Friday night will feature our 2nd annual Beekeeper Olympics and Beek Bash catered dinner and cash bar. This was such a hit last year! Clubs may compete for the Club Spirit Award. Points are accumulated by club member conference attendance, volunteering, and participation in conference activities like the Bee Bowl, Beek Olympics, and the Honey Show. Encourage your club members to show their club spirit by wearing their club shirts on Friday and join the fun. I look forward to seeing you all in Charleston!
~ Susan Marie Jones, SCBA President
Conference Schedule
Click Each Day Below to Access the Program Schedule
Engaging Unique Opportunities:
Bee Bowl – Thursday
Up to 8 local club teams will compete to determine which 2 teams will represent SC in the championship Bee Bowl against NC at the 2025 Spring Conference. Are you a “bee nerd”? Love everything bee knowledge?…then YOU should be on your club’s team. Teams consist of 4 members plus 1 alternate. Get your team together and contact Susan Crook to reserve your team’s spot on the roster!
Honey Judging Academy – Thursday
A full day of training to help prepare you to embark on the journey of becoming a certified honey judge. The cost of this training is $ 95 which includes your judge’s coat. Read the full details posted HERE. Registration for this training and/or certification testing is made separately at this link: Honey Judging Registration. Note: This registration is in addition to your conference registration and is made separately. Participants are encouraged to join the conference on Friday and/or Saturday by taking advantage of the daily conference rate.
Live Bee Yard – Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Work bees with experienced beekeepers as they demonstrate how to read frames, perform a mite wash, apply mite treatments, complete an inspection for a practical exam, and more! Bee Veils will be required to participate in bee yard activities. Please bring your veil or bee suit!
A special THANK YOU to HoneyStrong for sponsoring and providing the bee yard colonies for this conference!
Intro to Beekeeping: A Quick Start Guide to a Successful 1st Year of Beekeeping – Saturday
This workshop is recommended for those thinking of starting beekeeping and those who are in their 1st year of beekeeping. We will explore the workings of the hive, seasonal tasks, biology, honey harvesting, diseases and pests, as well as what equipment is needed to start. This workshop includes time in the Bee Yard – please bring your bee veil! This course is not intended to replace a full beginner beekeeping course, but is intended to help answer questions and prepare one to have a successful 1st year of beekeeping. Youth ages 12-18 are encouraged to attend. This workshop is included with either a Daily: Saturday or Full Conference registration.
Master Beekeeper Program Testing – Thursday
The SC Master Beekeeper Program will offer the Certified Level Written, the Journeyman Level Written and Written Practical portion, and the Master Level Written, Oral, and Field exams. Prerequisites apply per the MBP Manual. Advanced registration required by June 30th.
Microscope Lab Workshop – Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Ben Powell, Clemson’s Apiculture & Pollinator Specialist will guide you through disections in Trident Technical College’s state-of-the-art science lab. The 2-hour workshop will be repeated each day. Sign-up sheets will be available at the registration desk.
Think that honey bee pests and parasites are awful now? Wait until you look at them on their scale. This microscope lab will give you an opportunity to see the remarkable adaptations that make honey bee pests and parasites so effective at what they do. We will explore the morphology of each of the common honey bee pests and parasites in the southern US, including all life stages of small hive beetles, wax moths, and Varroa mites, as well as secondary pests such as ants, spiders, and predatory wasps. We also will attempt to dissect bees in the hunt for tracheal mites and practice a method for identifying and counting Nosema microbes from bee samples collected from the
conference’s teaching apiary.
A special lab session for Master Beekeepers will be held on Saturday. Sign-up sheet will be available at the registration desk.
Take a taxonomic journey through a microscope as we see how honey bees are related to other organisms. We will take a detailed look at the characters that distinguish honey bees from other bees and more distantly related insects as we climb down the evolutionary ladder. Along the way we will observe the major predators of honey bees as well as the most remarkable mimics of bees and wasps. Participants will learn the characters used to distinguish honey bees from many of their “look-alikes.” We also will see why the social behavior of honey bees is unique and special.
Vendor Fair & Demonstrations – Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Vendors from all across the nation will display and demonstrate their products. Many are offering discounts and specials to provide you with the best value in beekeeping equipment and supplies. Our Vendor Fair provides an opportunity for you to see, touch, feel, and ask the experts about items you’ve only seen in magazines and catalogs.
Beek Bash and Beek Olympics – Friday
You will not want to miss this Friday evening Beek Bash. Catered Dinner with Cash Bar is offered as a conference Add-On for $30. Registration must be completed by June 30th to guarantee your Bash ticket due to catering deadlines. Affiliate clubs will compete in our 2nd Annual Beek Olympics: 10 bee-themed activities geared to get you involved and chuckling. Participation will help earn points toward the Club Spirit Award. You might just set a record to challenge others to beat it next year and your club could go home with the coveted Club Spirit Copper Smoker! Dinner purchase is not required to participate in the Olympics.
Deadline to ADD the Beek Bash Dinner to your Registration: June 30th!
Honey Show
Enter your HONEY and Bees wax products in our state-wide Honey Show!
View Show Categories and Entry Information by clicking HERE.
View Show Entry Form by clicking HERE.
Every Exhibitor is eligible to compete for a $100 Grand Prize Award! Each First Place Awarded $10.
SCBA Membership and Conference attendance required.
Conference Sponsor / Vendor Directory
The following Vendors have committed to attend our 2024 Summer Conference. Click on the Vendor to go to their website.
Battalion Bee Company LLC – Your LOCAL Charleston Wooden Ware Supplier!
Bee & Comb – FREE Delivery to the conference!
Bee Club Sales – Place advance order before show and get 30% OFF. Pickup at show. Order online or Call 833-233-2338
Beekeeper on Duty – We make custom Honey Straws!
Best for Bees – Limited supply for conference – pre-order on our website at Free SwarmStopper set with every ProtectaBEE® purchased on Thursday or pre-order! Value: $12
Betterbee – Beekeepers Serving Beekeepers
Billue Family Farm – Get your Sample Pack for $18!
Charleston Community Bee Gardens
HillCo, LLC – Call 309-461-7885 to place Pre-Orders (10% discount given). 10% discount for products purchased at the show. 5% discount for products purchased at the show but shipped (free shipping) to customer.
Honey Strong – $130 Nucs for August 2024!
Johnson’s Bees & Supplies – FREE Delivery of Pre-Orders to Conference
Little Wing Apiary
Mann Lake – We will bring pick up orders, free shipping to the show for orders placed using code NCBASUM24
Midnight Bee Supply – FREE Delivery of Pre-Orders to Conference
Miller Mfg – Special Conference Pricing on Beetle Jails, Ventilated Jackets, Swarm Troopers
OxaVap LLC – All items are sale/conferenced priced
Pigeon Mountain Trading Company – 15% off all pre orders, FREE delivery to show
Roots & Shoots Nursery – We will be selling native plants on Saturday ONLY from 9am-2pm at the front entrance. Come See Us!
Rossman Apiaries – FREE delivery on pre orders. Deep and medium commercial boxes $10.00 pre order
Shady Creek Bee Farm – South Carolina Queens & Nucs!
Registration Information
Youth Rate
THREE full days of conference programming!
- $55 – for Youth ages 12-17 before July 1, 2024
- $65 – for Youth ages 12-17 after June 30, 2024
No Daily Rate is offered.
Conference programming is geared for adults and is generally not appropriate for children under 12.
All youth are to be accompanied and supervised by a parent. Thank you!
SCBA Member Rate
THREE full days of conference programming!
- $130 – before July 1, 2024
- $145 – after June 30, 2024
Choose to attend by the day:
- $55 Daily Rate – before July 1, 2024
- $65 Daily Rate – after June 30, 2024
Current SCBA Membership is required to use the Conference Member Registration. Please log in to your SCBA Membership Profile PRIOR to clicking the registration button so that the system recognizes you as a member. Thank you!
Member Add On:
Master Beekeeper Program Testing

Optional Testing Registration Includes Your selected MBP Level Test:
- Certified Level Written – $10
- Journeyman Level Written/Practical – $35
- Must submit 5 Public Service Credits and 3 Minor Credits PRIOR to testing*
- Must submit beekeeping portfolio with original credit documentation on day of testing
- Master Level Written – $75
- Must submit all credits (10 PSC, 3 Major, 5 Minor) PRIOR to testing*
- Must submit beekeeping portfolio with original credit documentation on day of testing
- Master Practical and Oral exams will be scheduled during Summer Conference
*All credits should be submitted electronically PRIOR to testing.
Send Credits/Questions to
Non-SCBA Member Rate
THREE full days of conference programming!
- $145 – before July 1, 2024
- $155 – after June 30, 2024
Choose to attend by the day:
- $65 – Daily Rate before July 1, 2024
- $75 – Daily Rate after June 30, 2024
Trident Technical College
7000 Rivers Avenue, North Charleston, SC 29406 Building 920
Link: TTC Campus Map
Please DO NOT contact Trident Technical College for conference information. SCBA has leased the facilities for the conference and is solely handling the arrangements and programming. All questions may be submitted through the link at the bottom of this page.
Hotel Information
The SC Beekeepers Association has secured a limited number of discounted room rates with the hotels listed below for the 2024 SCBA Summer Conference being held in North Charleston, SC July 18-20, 2024. Select your hotel from the list below and secure your reservations by clicking the booking link or calling in. Make reservations early because rooms are based upon availability and they will go fast. Deadlines for discounted rates vary by hotel.
Participating Hotels:
Comfort Suites – North Charleston/Ashley Phosphate
2450 Prospect Drive, North Charleston, SC 29406 Phone: (843) 718-3300 Available: July 17-20, 2024
Rate: Su-Th $82 F,St $159 (rates do not include tax)
Includes Choice of King or 2 Queen Room, Free Wifi, Free Breakfast, Smoke Free, Fitness Center, Business Center
Make reservations ONLINE: CLICK HERE or by CALLING and requesting the following Group Code: SCBK or South Carolina Bee Keepers.
Discounted Reservation Cut-Off Date: Wednesday, June 19, 2024
Courtyard by Marriott
7465 Northside Drive, North Charleston, SC 29420 Phone: (843) 572-7490 Available: July 17-20, 2024
Rate: $109 (rate does not include tax)
Includes: Free Wifi, Fitness Center, Pool, Restaurant
Make Reservations by Clicking Here: Book your group rate for SC Beekeepers Assoc Please make sure to edit the dates desired.
Discounted Reservation Cut-Off Date: Saturday, June 22, 2024
Fairfield by Marriott
2540 North Forest Drive, North Charleston, SC 29420 Phone: (843) 725-5400 Available: July 17-20, 2024
Rate: $138 (rate does not include tax)
Includes: Complimentary parking; Free breakfast
Make Reservations using the following link: Book your group rate for SC Beekeepers Association
Discounted Reservation Cut-Off Date: Monday, June 17, 2024
Hyatt Place North Charleston
2455 Prospect Drive, North Charleston, SC 29406 Phone: (843) 735-7100 Available: July 17-20, 2024
Rate: $129 (does not include tax)
Includes: Free Breakfast, Free Parking, Free Internet, Fitness Center, Pool
Make Reservations Online by clicking HERE The group code: G-TTEC should be pre-entered.
Please note: if you do not plan to stay for 3 nights, you will need to click “EDIT” on the gray banner to change the dates.
Make Reservations by Calling 1-888 HYATT HP (1-888-492-8847). Specify that you are with the SC Beekeepers
Discounted Reservation Cut-Off Date: June 26, 2024
Interested in Becoming a Sponsor?
SCBA depends on our conference sponsors to off-set the cost of our conferences for our members and support our Youth Education and Research initiatives. We have several levels of sponsorship to meet most every budget and would love to have you join us in helping to provide quality education and programming for the beekeepers of South Carolina.
Anyone can sponsor – Businesses, individuals, clubs, or organizations!
As a Sponsor, you will enjoy national advertising through our website and social media platforms as well as conference program and signage advertising. You may select to join us as a Sponsor only or as a Vendor with added sponsorship. Vendors may add sponsorship to their registration accessed separately by using the Vendor Registration Link below. If you choose to also be a vendor at our conference, your vendor placement will be prioritized based on your level of sponsorship. Sponsors with generous contributions will be provided top conference advertising and vendor placement if applicable. Those selecting just the Sponsor option should use the registration button below.
A Full Conference Registration is included for those sponsoring at $500 or above. Businesses and Affiliated Clubs may choose to sponsor a conference activity and name one of their members to fill the complimentary registration. If you are unable to attend the conference, you may indicate that on the sponsorship form. Attendance is not required for sponsorship.
SCBA is a 501c3 non-profit charitable organization. All sponsorship donations are tax-deductible.
Thank you for supporting the mission of SCBA in South Carolina!
Interested in Becoming a Vendor?
Thank you for your interest in becoming a Vendor at the SCBA 2024 Summer Conference.
All Vendor Hall booths have been SOLD.
Our Vendor Fair will be located in a dedicated ballroom directly between the main lecture hall and the break out rooms. Booths are approximately 8′ x 10′ and will contain 1 – 6′ table with chair. Vendors selecting a booth will have the option to add a second booth at a discounted rate. A limited number of half booth spaces will be offered to accommodate vendors not requiring a large display area.
All vendor options include a conference badge(s) with admittance to the Friday night Beek Bash & Beek Olympics if registered by June 30th. We have intentionally increased the number of booths for this conference in order to provide adequate space for both vendors and shoppers. Dedicated Vendor demonstration times have been built into the schedule to encourage shopping. Sign up to fill one of the demonstration slots and consider offering a discount or special to coordinate with your demonstration. We will publish your specials on our website to encourage pre-conference sales. Booth location assignments will be prioritized based on the date of registration and sponsorship level, if applicable.
Please contact Danny Cannon at with any questions regarding becoming a vendor for this conference.